viernes, 31 de agosto de 2007


Yurián Zerón
Galería 1/4

S.E.R. es un invernadero de sono esculturas robóticas (flores) diseñadas para producir sonído al ser excitadas con luz, emulando el proceso de fotosíntesis.
Un mecanismo de riego por luz se instaló en el lugar como dispositivo de alimentación de las flores.

S.E.R. its a greenhouse with sound robotic sculptures (flowers) designed to produce sound when they are being stimulated by light, simulating a photosynthethic process.
A light watering mechanism was installed for flower feeding.

jueves, 31 de mayo de 2007


mu are: eduardo meléndez, ezequiel netri and ernesto romero
Free SuperCollider codes >

//////////// Código 1

// En el que através de Pdefs se forma un insulso contrapunto.


w=Pseq([Pdef(\uno), Pdef(\dos), Pdef(\tres)], inf);

Pdef(\uno, Pbind(\instrument, \si, \dur, Pseq([0.5,0.25,0.25], 1), \degree, 0));
Pdef(\dos, Pbind(\instrument, \si, \dur, Pseq([0.125,0.125,0.25,0.25,0.25], 1), \degree, 3));
Pdef(\tres, Pbind(\instrument, \si, \dur, Pseq([0.125],8), \degree, 2));
Pdef(\tres, Pbind(\instrument, \si, \dur, Pseq([0.125,0.125,0.125,0.125,0.25,0.25],1), \degree, 2));

~rut=Routine({var count=0;{count=count+1;
switch(count, 1,{Pdef(\tres, Pbind(\instrument, \si, \dur, Pseq([0.125,0.125,0.125,0.125,0.25,0.25],1), \degree, 2));},
2,{Pdef(\tres, Pbind(\instrument, \si, \dur, Pseq([0.125],8), \degree, 2));});

x=Pseq([Pdef(\cuatro), Pdef(\cinco), Pdef(\seis)], inf);

Pdef(\cuatro, Pbind(\instrument, \si, \dur, 0.25, \degree, Pseq([-7,-5,-3,-5], 2)));
Pdef(\cinco, Pbind(\instrument, \si, \dur, 0.5, \degree, Pseq([-4,-2], 1)));
Pdef(\seis, Pbind(\instrument, \si, \dur, 0.5, \degree, Pseq([-3,-1], 1)));

///////// Si.

sábado, 19 de mayo de 2007


Marcela Armas-Gilberto Esparza

Instalación compuesta por un vaso controlado electrónicamente que al caer sobre una mesa activa una video proyección simulando agua derramándose. El agua proyectada muestra imágenes de reflejo del paisaje.

Simulation of spilled water from a glass on a table. Landscape is projected on the "water" surface.

viernes, 18 de mayo de 2007

Medios Vacíos-Empty Media

Intervención a la oficina de Artes Visuales de Casa Vecina
Rogelio Sosa
Recubrimiento de piso con
cajas de CD vacías.

Site specific project in Visual Arts Office of Casa Vecina.
The piece is done tilling a massive amount of empty jewel case CD boxes on the floor in a pedestrian crossing. The CD boxes are gradually torn into shreds by the steps of the pedestrians generating a rough plastic sound texture that is amplified in the ceiling.

sábado, 5 de mayo de 2007

Dorkbot Mexico City

New Geographies Project: Antonio Domínguez
Gustavo Romano
Kai Kraatz
Session 1

Oasis Sonoro/Sound Oasis

Sound Oasis is the joint vision of a number of contributors. It is not the work of one person, or artist, but the conjunction of a whole team working through several years. The site, on the other hand, with its long history and a witness to the city’s growing and evolution, has absorbed from time and people a magic difficult to describe. The 12-sound pieces of the exhibition are a tribute to the Palacio and its square, to its people, and to the tradition captured by its marble walls and floors. Each one of the artists, in a very personal way and with great mastery, wanted to extol or capture a special and important characteristic in order to construct the sample discourse. Artists: Rogelio Sosa, Mario de Vega, Manuel Rocha, Guillermo Galindo, Merzbow, Radioqualia, Chris Watson...